Start Subtracting

Most people I talk with are on an endless hamster wheel of trying to change and grow and problem-solve the HARD way.

They try to improve through addition…instead of subtraction.

They want to uplevel, to get unstuck… what do they do?

They STACK ON tools, tactics and techniques (ADDITION):

  • “I just picked up 3 new books on mindset!”
  • “I started following this awesome mindset coach on Facebook and she gives me new practices I have to follow every day…”
  • “I’ve added 3 pages to my Morning Formula to review…”
  • “I’ve started repeating affirmations to myself for at least 10 minutes/day…”
  • “My coach told me I need to start doing a gratitude journal so I’m gonna get that going…”
  • “I’m going to this weekend training on how to change my mindset and am going to learn so much!!”
  • and on and on and on…

I do always wish people well with those Herculean addition efforts. And I suggest they come back in a few years and let me know about the “pretty good progress!” they’ll have made after all effort and time, week after week after week.

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Thing is…they’ve got it sooo BACKWARDS. our clients sees MASSIVE results simply because they focus on ⛔ SUBTRACTION⛔, not addition.

We REMOVE what’s causing their problems—we DON’T stack more band-aids on top of them.

Massive results through SUBTRACTION = the key to our insane success rate.

SUBTRACTION = removal of the root problem.

Subtraction of what? Of the…

  • old headtrash,
  • thought loops,
  • belief patterns,
  • fears,
  • triggers,
  • old programming causing them to run in circles and stay stuck,
  • accumulated subconscious stress,
  • excess build-up in their metaphorical Stress Buckets,
  • “buttons” so no one can press them,
  • the gunk that’s gunking up their mental lenses.


Look at your overflowing bookshelf/Kindle. If more knowledge = results, you’d be fine by now.

Stop adding.

You already have what you need within you.

⛔ Start SUBTRACTING what’s getting in your way. ⛔

It’s easier. It leaves you with less resistance. And you’ll get what you’re looking for so much faster.

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When you're tired of getting in your own way, and you know you're capable of SO much more, it's time to talk to us.