Reflecting on our CLIENTS’ Wins in 2019

2019 was an amazing year – for our clients. And I want to celebrate those joys.

Here are a few of our favorite MindFix client wins in 2019.

???? There was the Colorado entrepreneur who ran a successful business for over a decade but was stuck at 6-figures in annual revenue. Saw no possibility for change. Does MindFix. Has first 7-figure year ever — while cutting her workload in half.

???? Two months later, another client comes along and repeats what ^^^ does. From over a decade stuck in 6-figures to first year ever hitting 7.

???? An entrepreneur who went from overwhelmed and terrified of delegating to doubling her monthly revenue (and OVER doubling her monthly profit) and becoming a self-proclaimed “delegating machine” in a handful of months.

???? I get teary-eyed thinking about the Canadian client who came to us sharing he’d dealt with worthiness and self-confidence issues for the past TWENTY YEARS and had spent tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours trying every method under the sun to try to move forward. We knew we had our work cut out when he signed up. In 5 weeks … he shared his suffering had disappeared and his friends said he was completely unrecognizable. (WOW…)

???? Ah, then there was the wonderful woman who experienced true terror and anxiety (think: she’d cry and get derailed for days) whenever she’d make mistakes at work or not close new business. By the time she graduated she found she could mess up and not be perfect and it was just a part of her normal day. No more feeling sick, no breakdowns and tears, no getting pushed off-track.

???? Ahhhhhhh… the business owner who’d had it on her to-do list to raise her rates on existing clients for THREE YEARS—but couldn’t bring herself to do overcome her fear of taking this action that was holding her business back. Her rates were raised (and she had zero fear in doing so) before she had even started Week 2 of her MindFix program.

???? Then there was the entrepreneur who came to MindFix terrified of doing podcasts, interviews, and Live Facebook videos…and graduated as a person who sometimes did 3 – 5 a DAY and LOVED doing them (“I can’t stop, it’s SO MUCH FUN!!”).

???? Senior VP of a company that sold for a quarter of a Billion went from chronically, constantly, feeling like a) something bad was always going to happen + feeling guilty about his significant wealth every single day to… showing up to his 5th week in MindFix telling us “I’m feeling SO good, everything is fixed, I have nothing left to work on!!” How cool to hear him share he got over 20x ROI on his MindFix investment.

???? The Agency owner who went from a chronic fear of difficult conversations and conflict (to the point where she would literally take a detour the opposite way around a city block just to avoid passing by two people in an argument) to a calm, confident woman who lived without constant fear—specifically, someone who volunteered to be the one who fired one of her company’s employees (which would have never been possible before).

???? I smile when I remember the who client came in with such difficulty writing about herself she couldn’t even complete the questions we needed to ask her in our initial homework. By week 2 she was telling us “she was working on her manifesto”. (I was so shocked I had to check my client notes to make sure I wasn’t getting her mixed up with someone else.)

???? One of my favorite experiences was when we worked with a client who told us he’d tried—for decades—EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN and nothing had worked to help him get over his issues surrounding self-criticism, doubt, and money blocks. By Week 5 in MindFix he said the program had exceeded every one of his expectations and his biggest problems had already disappeared completely.

???? I reflect fondly on the client who was so terrified of making the investment in MindFix because it was a good deal of money to him — speaking to us in our graduation session. Tears filled his eyes. He shared the program had completely changed his life, turned everything around for him, helped him release “some sort of weight” that had been holding him back, and for the first time in years he felt hopeful and a confidence he could succeed again.

???? Then there was the dear client who had felt helpless FOR YEARS when it came to ending unproductive client AND personal relationships. She just couldn’t do it. After one week, she said, “Oh that? Yeah that’s not a problem any more. I took care of ending a LOT of unhealthy relationships last week. No fear. Let’s talk about something else…”

???? There was the chronic procrastinator who had been putting off important work tasks for months (and in some cases years). One month into the program he shared, “I’ve achieved more in the last couple weeks than I have in the past YEAR. I feel unstoppable.”

???? We worked with a chronic worrier who transformed so completely during her program that, at graduation time, shared with us: “I just have a deep abiding sense that all is gong to be okay…”

???? There was the client who shared MindFix was an ultra-high ROI investment for him that he believed was going to help him add another $50M in profit to his business over the next 2 years.

???? My client from Wisconsin who came to us with an overarching, general sense of not feeling worthy or good enough. I still remember the day, halfway through her program, I asked her how this issue was going and she CHUCKLED at me and said, “Oh god, no, that’s not even an issue anymore.”

???? I still remember getting this message from a previously-deeply-stuck client: “MindFix has given me my mind back and, consequently, MY LIFE. I’m acting without fear now. I’m acting with excitement. EVERYTHING SEEMS POSSIBLE NOW.”

???? The financial advisor who sent us an email 2 months post graduation who shared a laundry list of observations he had about himself, including: radiating positivity and happiness, self-doubt is GONE, feeling at peace and comfortable in his skin, sleeping well, laughing a lot more, comfortable doing what’s best/right for him, able to say no when he wants, and deeply appreciating all that he has.

???? I remember my heart melting when, after one session, we got a message from a new client who’d struggled beneath the heavy weight of self-doubt her entire life that said nothing other than, “I feel free.”

The best part?


These stories happen all year long.

We’re So grateful for 2019.
We’re so grateful for our clients.
We’re so honored to be doing work that CONSISTENTLY transforms lives, every single time.

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